Saturday, March 19, 2005

Syntax Highlighting: What every parent should know

So, with only one post in between my admitted dislike for implementing FSAs, what do I do but go out and volunteer to implement one in one of my comments.

If you are too lazy to follow the links, I don't blame you. But the jist of it is that gus complained about the lack of syntax highlighting in all the code I have been posting lately.

I can't blame him. I have been a huge Larry Osterman fan since the Channel 9 post about the completion of his twentieth year at Microsoft. But the one complaint, well, not really complaint, but suggestion for improvement I would make for his blog is syntax highlighting.

So now I have written a small, quick and dirty MFC app to turn code snippets into syntax highlighted HTML. I am sure others have done this before me, but I thought it would be more interesting to write the app, than Googling until I found one. Being a quick and dirty app, I implemented the source to HTMLized functions as members of the main window class. Let's have a look at the definition of the class, syntax highlighted with my new tool:

/// <summary>
/// This class models the main window of the Snippet2Html application
/// </summary>
/// <author>Jim Barnett</author>
/// <date>3/18/2005</date>
class CMainWindow : public CDialog
    CMainWindow(CWnd* pParent = 0);
    afx_msg void OnBnClickedCopyToClipboard();
    afx_msg void OnBnClickedHtmlify();
    static const int NONE = 0;
    static const int SLASH = 1;
    static const int SLASHSLASH = 2;
    static const int SLASHSTAR = 3;
    static const int SLASHSTARSTAR = 4;
    static const int LITERAL = 5;
    static const int LITERALESCAPE = 6;
    static const int CHARLITERAL = 7;
    static const int CHARLITERALESCAPE = 8;
    static const CString COMMENTHTML;
    static const CString ENDCOMMENT;
    static const CString ENDSPECIAL;
    static const CString SPECIALHTML;
    static const CString INITHTML;
    static const CString ENDHTML;

    bool CheckForReservedWord(int nState, int& nPos, CString& sHtmlified) const;
    virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX);
    int HandleReservedWord(int nPos, CString sToken, CString& sCode) const;
    void HtmlifyCode();
    bool IgnoreReserved(int nState) const;
    bool IsSpecial(CString sToken) const;
    virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
    afx_msg void OnPaint();
    afx_msg HCURSOR OnQueryDragIcon();
    HACCEL m_hAccel;
    HICON m_hIcon;
    CString m_sCode;
    static CStringArray m_sReservedOrDirective;
    BOOL m_fWebForm;

Not terribly interesting by itself, so lets move on to the main function of interest and its helpers:

void CMainWindow::HtmlifyCode()
     * Comment to prove multiline comments do not always fail :)

    CString sHtmlified = _T("");

    TCHAR chCurrent;
    int nState = NONE;
    int nCurPos = 0;
    CString sToken;

    for (int i = 0; i < m_sCode.GetLength(); ++i)
        chCurrent = m_sCode.GetAt(i);
        switch (chCurrent)
        case _T(' '):
            sHtmlified += _T("&nbsp;");
            if (nState == SLASH) nState = NONE;

        case _T('\t'):
            sHtmlified += _T("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");
            if (nState == SLASH) nState = NONE;

        case _T('\n'):
            if (nState == SLASHSLASH)
                sHtmlified += ENDCOMMENT;
                nState = NONE;
            else if (nState == SLASH) nState = NONE;
            sHtmlified += _T("<br>");
            if (!m_fWebForm) sHtmlified += _T("\r\n");

        case _T('/'):
            switch (nState)
            case NONE:
                sHtmlified += chCurrent;
                nState = SLASH;

            case SLASH:
                nState = SLASHSLASH;
                sHtmlified += chCurrent;
                sHtmlified.Insert(sHtmlified.GetLength()-2, COMMENTHTML);

            case SLASHSTARSTAR:
                nState = NONE;
                sHtmlified += chCurrent;
                sHtmlified += ENDCOMMENT;

                sHtmlified += chCurrent;


        case _T('*'):
            switch (nState)
            case SLASH:
                nState = SLASHSTAR;
                sHtmlified += chCurrent;
                sHtmlified.Insert(sHtmlified.GetLength()-2, COMMENTHTML);

            case SLASHSTAR:
                nState = SLASHSTARSTAR;
                sHtmlified += chCurrent;

                sHtmlified += chCurrent;


        case _T('\r'):
            break// eat it

        case _T('"'):
            switch (nState)
            case LITERAL:
                nState = NONE;

            case LITERALESCAPE:
                nState = LITERAL;

            if (nState == SLASH) nState = NONE;
            sHtmlified += chCurrent;

        case _T('\''):
            switch (nState)
            case CHARLITERAL:
                nState = NONE;
            case NONE:
                nState = CHARLITERAL;

            case CHARLITERALESCAPE:
                nState = CHARLITERAL;

            if (nState == SLASH) nState = NONE;
            sHtmlified += chCurrent;
        case _T('<'):
            if (nState == SLASH) nState = NONE;
            sHtmlified += _T("&lt;");

        case _T('>'):
            if (nState == SLASH) nState = NONE;
            sHtmlified += _T("&gt;");

        case _T('&'):
            if (nState == SLASH) nState = NONE;
            sHtmlified += _T("&amp;");

        case _T('\\'):
            switch (nState)
            case LITERAL:
                nState = LITERALESCAPE;

            case CHARLITERAL:
                nState = CHARLITERALESCAPE;

            case LITERALESCAPE:
                nState = LITERAL;

            case CHARLITERALESCAPE:
                nState = CHARLITERAL;

            if (nState == SLASH) nState = NONE;
            sHtmlified += chCurrent;

            if (!CheckForReservedWord(nState, i, sHtmlified))
                sHtmlified += chCurrent;
            if (nState == SLASH) nState = NONE;
            else if (nState == CHARLITERALESCAPE) nState = CHARLITERAL;


    sHtmlified = INITHTML + sHtmlified;
    sHtmlified += ENDHTML;
    m_sCode = sHtmlified;

bool CMainWindow::IgnoreReserved(int nState) const
    if ((nState == SLASHSLASH) || (nState == SLASHSTAR) 
        || (nState == SLASHSTARSTAR) || (nState == LITERAL)
        || (nState == LITERALESCAPE))
        return true;
        return false;

bool CMainWindow::IsSpecial(CString sToken) const
    for (INT_PTR i = 0; i < m_sReservedOrDirective.GetCount(); ++i)
        if (sToken == m_sReservedOrDirective[i]) return true;

    return false;

void CMainWindow::HtmlifyCode()
     * Comment to prove multiline comments do not always fail :)

    CString sHtmlified = _T("");

    TCHAR chCurrent;
    int nState = NONE;
    int nCurPos = 0;
    CString sToken;

    for (int i = 0; i < m_sCode.GetLength(); ++i)
        chCurrent = m_sCode.GetAt(i);
        switch (chCurrent)
        case _T(' '):
            sHtmlified += _T("&nbsp;");
            if (nState == SLASH) nState = NONE;

        case _T('\t'):
            sHtmlified += _T("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");
            if (nState == SLASH) nState = NONE;

        case _T('\n'):
            if (nState == SLASHSLASH)
                sHtmlified += ENDCOMMENT;
                nState = NONE;
            else if (nState == SLASH) nState = NONE;
            sHtmlified += _T("<br>");
            if (!m_fWebForm) sHtmlified += _T("\r\n");

        case _T('/'):
            switch (nState)
            case NONE:
                sHtmlified += chCurrent;
                nState = SLASH;

            case SLASH:
                nState = SLASHSLASH;
                sHtmlified += chCurrent;
                sHtmlified.Insert(sHtmlified.GetLength()-2, COMMENTHTML);

            case SLASHSTARSTAR:
                nState = NONE;
                sHtmlified += chCurrent;
                sHtmlified += ENDCOMMENT;

                sHtmlified += chCurrent;


        case _T('*'):
            switch (nState)
            case SLASH:
                nState = SLASHSTAR;
                sHtmlified += chCurrent;
                sHtmlified.Insert(sHtmlified.GetLength()-2, COMMENTHTML);

            case SLASHSTAR:
                nState = SLASHSTARSTAR;
                sHtmlified += chCurrent;

                sHtmlified += chCurrent;


        case _T('\r'):
            break// eat it

        case _T('"'):
            switch (nState)
            case LITERAL:
                nState = NONE;

            case LITERALESCAPE:
                nState = LITERAL;

            if (nState == SLASH) nState = NONE;
            sHtmlified += chCurrent;

        case _T('\''):
            switch (nState)
            case CHARLITERAL:
                nState = NONE;
            case NONE:
                nState = CHARLITERAL;

            case CHARLITERALESCAPE:
                nState = CHARLITERAL;

            if (nState == SLASH) nState = NONE;
            sHtmlified += chCurrent;
        case _T('<'):
            if (nState == SLASH) nState = NONE;
            sHtmlified += _T("&lt;");

        case _T('>'):
            if (nState == SLASH) nState = NONE;
            sHtmlified += _T("&gt;");

        case _T('&'):
            if (nState == SLASH) nState = NONE;
            sHtmlified += _T("&amp;");

        case _T('\\'):
            switch (nState)
            case LITERAL:
                nState = LITERALESCAPE;

            case CHARLITERAL:
                nState = CHARLITERALESCAPE;

            case LITERALESCAPE:
                nState = LITERAL;

            case CHARLITERALESCAPE:
                nState = CHARLITERAL;

            if (nState == SLASH) nState = NONE;
            sHtmlified += chCurrent;

            if (!CheckForReservedWord(nState, i, sHtmlified))
                sHtmlified += chCurrent;
            if (nState == SLASH) nState = NONE;
            else if (nState == CHARLITERALESCAPE) nState = CHARLITERAL;


    sHtmlified = INITHTML + sHtmlified;
    sHtmlified += ENDHTML;
    m_sCode = sHtmlified;

bool CMainWindow::IgnoreReserved(int nState) const
    if ((nState == SLASHSLASH) || (nState == SLASHSTAR) 
        || (nState == SLASHSTARSTAR) || (nState == LITERAL)
        || (nState == LITERALESCAPE))
        return true;
        return false;

bool CMainWindow::IsSpecial(CString sToken) const
    for (INT_PTR i = 0; i < m_sReservedOrDirective.GetCount(); ++i)
        if (sToken == m_sReservedOrDirective[i]) return true;

    return false;

bool CMainWindow::CheckForReservedWord(int nState, int& nPos, 
    CString& sHtmlified) const
    int nOrigPos = nPos;

    const CString sDelimiters = _T(" \n\t+-\\*~<>!=&;:.{}[]()|^%\\/?',=");

    // Get the next token
    CString sToken = m_sCode.Tokenize(
        _T(" \n\t+-\\*~<>!=&;:.{}[]()|^%\\/?',="), nOrigPos);

    CString sNextChars = (m_sCode.Left(nPos+sToken.GetLength())).Right(

    bool fAtTokenStart = (nPos == 0) ? true
        : (sDelimiters.Find(m_sCode.GetAt(nPos-1)) != -1);

    if (IsSpecial(sToken) && !IgnoreReserved(nState) 
        && (sToken == sNextChars) && fAtTokenStart)
        nPos += HandleReservedWord(nPos, sToken, sHtmlified);
        return true;

    return false;

I guess you could say I cheated a little since I only used the automaton to do the highlighting of comments and wrote some helper functions to deal with the keywords/preprocessor directives. One of the main shortcomings of my simple approach is that context senstive preprocessor directives are not supported (such as the the #pragma once directive, particularly the "once" token. You could criticize the memory usage of this algorithm since I used another CString to insert the HTML rather than just inserting the HTML right into m_sCode. I think that would have been messier, and it would have been an unnecessary performance hack.

A lot of these web form interfaces don't let you have decently formatted HTML without screwing up your original intention. They tend to interpret <br>\n as two lines, which kept double spacing my code. The m_fWebForm boolean variable indicates wherther you want one big nasty line of HTML if true, or you want decently formatted, somewhat human readable HTML if false. It took a fair amount of work to figure out what truly caused the double-spaced code. This task proved to be much more of a learning experience than I intended, but I guess that could be a good thing.

I am already planning on some improvements. It would be really easy to add highlighting to string and char literals. If I modified it to read values from a file for some variables that are currently hard-coded, this app could be made language agnostic. I may do that just for the fun of it, but I am self-admitted C++ elitist.

So, that is it. Is this any better, gus?


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